Changing magnetic field in treatment of drug – resistant depression. Description of case
drug – resistant depression, treatment-resistance, changing magnetic fields
Introduction. Qualification the aim of work was influence of changing magnetic field low frequency (ELF- MF) in treatment of drug – resistant depression, as helping method basic treatment.
Material and method. Description concerns woman in age of 57 years suffering’s from reason of drug – resistant depression. From report of patient it results, that beginning of disorders followed 15 years ago after psyche event – „death mother”. Patient treated pharmacology, without satisfactory of improvement. After detailed diagnostic analysis and repeat change of pharmacology treatment was included changing magnetic field of low frequency in Clinic of Diseases of Internal and Physical Medicines in Bytom. In aim of opinion effectiveness of therapy, patient filled the Beck’s test estimating degree of intensification of depression in front of and after therapy.
Results. On basis of moved observation 5 – week’s treatment high therapeutic effectiveness was affirmed in treatment of drug – resistant depression. Patient got 1 point in scale of Beck’s test what testified itself psychical symptoms after applied therapy magnetic field about total resignation.
Conclusions. Described case turns attention onto possibility of introducing to complex treatment of new methods of therapy at patients with drug – resistant depression. Case shows therapeutic method, effectively helping to restore natural psychical equilibrium as well as to soften numerous symptoms of depression.
Baln. Pol., tom XLVIII, nr 4, rok 2006, 235-238
Pasek J., Mucha R., Sieroń A.
Szpital Specjalistyczny nr 2 Katedra i Klinika Chorób Wewnętrznych, Angiologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej oraz Ośrodek Diagnostyki i Terapii Laserowej w Bytomiu
Kierownik Kliniki: prof. dr hab. n. med. dr h.c. Aleksander Sieroń