Immune monitoring of magnetostimulation in complex treatment of burn injury
magnetostimulation, Viofor JPS System, burns, proregeneration, immunocorrection
The article presents the case of a female patient with an extensive 70% TBS A burn treated with a combination of routine operative surgery, general management and administration of expositions to low-frequency magnetic field (LFMF) generated by Viofor JPS Classic and Professional System emitters. The program P2M1 used for clinical purposes in a series of 10 daily expositions, 10 minutes each with the increasing intensity, results in the obtained value of magnetic induction of 10 цT in average, with the maximal value at the peak of impulse of 112 цТ. These parameters of magnetostimulation were positively checked in preliminary investigations and then administered in the initiated clinical trial.
The beneficial effect of treatment of the analyzed case suggests that a therapeutic application of magnetostimulation should be introduced into the routine treatment of extensive burns and investigated in a larger clinical trial under the control of multidirectional clinical and immunological tests. It can be expected that enrichment of the routine therapy of burns with modern immuno- therapeutic methods, including magnetostimulation and application of immunomodulating drugs, will contribute considerably to the improvement of therapeutic results.
Int. Rev. Allergol. Clin. Immunol., 2006; Vol. 12, No. 4
Witkowski W.1, Stankiewicz W.2, Dąbrowski M.P.2, Szymański P.1
1 Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny, Oddział Kliniczny Chirurgii Plastycznej, Rekonstrukcyjnej i Leczenia Oparzeń, Warszawa
2 Wojskowy Instytut Higieny i Epidemiologii, Zakład Mikrofal, Laboratorium Immunologiczne, Warszawa