Magnetostimulation in treatment of peripheral paralysis of facial nerve
peripheral paralysis of facial nerve, magnetostimulation, physical medicine, treatment
Peripheral paralysis of facial nerve is frequent and ailment team of inertia of face (prosopoplegia) causing in patients row of nagging ailment. In work was talked about practical utilization over one from methods of physical medicine – magnetostimulation which was applied in patients with peripheral paralysis of facial nerve. Three patients (2 boys and 1 girl) were admitted in Chair and Clinic of Internal Diseases in Bytom in years 2008 were included. On basis on the obtained results it was proved that this method is valuable supplement and support of pharmacological treatment giving the chance onto total regress of symptoms, broadening myself this possibility of treatment patients with co-existent neurological illnesses.
Neurol. Dziec. 2008, 34(17) 71-74
Pasek J.1, Pasek, T.2 Kniażewska M.3, Obuchowicz A.3, Sieroń A.1
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