Simultaneous use of variable magnetic field and low-energy light – new possibilities of treatment of dermatological diseases? Case report
variable magnetic field, low-energy light, magnetolasertherapy, magnetoledtherapy, dermatological diseases, pustular psiorasis, pressure ulcers
Physical methods using variable magnetic field and low-energy light show high efficacy in the treatment of various skin diseases, and that is why testing clinical application of simultaneous, synergistic use of both these physical factors in the treatment of dermatological diseases, especially resistant to conventional therapy, seem to be purposeful. In the paper therapeutic possibilities of simultaneous use of variable magnetic field with low induction values and low-energy light applied in form of magnetolasertherapy and magnetoledtherapy in the treatment of respectively: pustular psoriasis of skin in heel region in 65-year old female patient resistant to conventional pharmacotherapy, as well as pressure ulcer in sacral region in 97-year old female patient after unsuccessful local, symptomatic treatment were presented High therapeutic efficacy in both presented cases, lack of substantial side effects and good tolerance of procedures indicate potential usefulness of magnetolasertherapy and magnetoledtherapy as valuable supplement of conventional, symptomatic treatment of pustular psoriasis and pressure ulcers. The obtained initial results could motivate for continuation of further randomized clinical trials in this domain.
Ann. Acad. Med. Siles. 2009,63,3 (75-81)
Pasek J.1, Cieślar G.1, Pasek T.2, Manierak A.1, Sieroń-Stołtny K.1, Sieroń A.1
1Oddział Winiany Chorób Wewnętrznych, Angiologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej Katedry Chorób Wewnętrznych SUM
2Zespół Rehabilitacyjny Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego Nr 5 im. Św. Barbary w Sosnowcu