Variable magnetic fields in the conservative analgesic treatment of peritoneal adhesions
variable magnetic fields, magnetotherapy, magnetostimulation, pleural adhesions, abdominal pain
In the study the therapeutic effects of variable magnetic fields applied as magnetotherapy and magnetostimulation were estimated in 20 patients with chronic abdominal pains resistant for routine pharmacological treatment caused by a creation of peritoneal adhesions after surgical interventions. As a result of 2 cycles of 15 daily procedures of both magnetostimulation and magnetotherapy, a significant decrease in pain intensity (from 9,05 to 2,05 points in WAS scale) and improvement of quality of life (increase from 23,25 to 87,75 points in EuroQol scale) were achieved.
Przegląd Techniczny 2011, R.87., Nr. 12b, 149-151
Sieroń A., Pasek J., Cieślar G.
Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny, Katedra i Oddział Kliniczny Chorób Wewnętrznych, Angiologii i Medycyny Fizykalnej