Magnetoledotherapy in the treatment of the necrotic lateral condyle fragmentation of the femoral bone – Description of a case


magnetoledotherapy, physical medicine, treatment


Introduction: The aseptic necrosis of bone that the group of diseases which common feature is necrosis of the bone and joint cartilage leading to serialized separation a joint cartilage from bone surfactraod necrosis of sure area of osseous tissue. In many cases this is the ailment, which concerns persons in pi which makes difficult, makes impossible or it limits in everyday physical activity.
Material and methods: In this work the authors presented the practical utilization the associated therapy under the form magnetoledotherapy in the treatment of the necrotic lateral condyle fragmentation of the femoral bone a 55 year old man.
Results: Authors’ sentence reached therapeutic results (analgesic, antiphlogistic working as well as regeneration effect) authorize to affirming, that this physical method should help and stand valuable supplement of basis treatment.
Conclusions: The procedures with magnetoledotherapy are the valuable supplement of the treatment changes of the necrotic and inflammatory changes.


Chirurgia kolana, Artroskopia, Traumatologia Sportowa vol.6, 1, 2009


Jarosław Pasek1, Tomasz Pasek2, Agnieszka Manierak3, Aleksander Sieroń1

1 Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny – Katowice
2 Zakład Rehabilitacji Wojewódzkiego Szpitala Specjalistycznego Nr 5 im. Św. Barbary – Sosnowiec
3 Studentka VI roku, Wydział Lekarski, Śląski Uniwersytet Medyczny – Katowice