18 05, 2020

Lingual nerve rehabilitation with use of a slow alternating magnetic field a preliminary report

The article describes the possibility of using regeneration property of magnetic fields with Viofor JPS apparatus. They shown 4 cases of rehabilitation destroyed lingual nerve during chirurgical operation in the cavity oral. We have obtained subjective formication of sensation after 5 applications. Each patient have achieved the positive effects of treatment after different periods of time.

18 05, 2020

Simultaneous use of variable magnetic field and low-energy light – new possibilities of treatment of dermatological diseases? Case report

Physical methods using variable magnetic field and low-energy light show high efficacy in the treatment of various skin diseases, and that is why testing clinical application of simultaneous, synergistic use of both these physical factors in the treatment of dermatological diseases, especially resistant to conventional therapy, seem to be purposeful.

14 05, 2020

Influence of magnetic field of different characteristics on blood pressure in patients with back pain syndromes and hypertensive disease

In therapy patients with back pain syndromes are used measures of magnetotherapy and magnetostimulation. In this study a trial was made to estimate the influence of this therapy in a group of 64 patients with back pain syndromes and hypertensive disease. The obtained data proved that there is a hypotension effect after magnetostimulation.

14 05, 2020

Effect of low frequency magnetic fields used in magnetotherapy and magnetostimulation on the rehabilitation results of patiens after ischemic stroke

New methods of rehabilitation should be Introduced in order to reduce disability resulting from stroke. During the twelve months of follow-up, effect of low frequency magnetic field (If mf) on the course of patient rehabilitation following ischemic stroke was evaluated on in-patient (acute and subacute period of the stroke) and out­patient (chronic period) basis with the use of Mathew et al s and Barthel's scales.